It’s early 2020 when I sit to write and I am at a loss… Australia has just been witness to catastrophe - enduring and exhausting drought and then fires, and our precious rural communities and remarkable natural spaces are tested – hard.
I reflect on the collective feeling of loss. Aussies are a stoic bunch, yet all of us were touched by the experiences as we observed, reacted, and supported need. Amazing Aussies dug deep, drew on all their endurance, grasped at living and reached forward for life. A united expression of being ruthful.
We saw hope, incredible heroes amongst the onslaught, blessed saviours to support our incredible and unique wildlife, everyday champions stepping up to the plate, communities drawn together to hold and rebuild - strength in a nation under duress.
Change is underway, a united force will be required, hope and the tenacity of the human spirit will be tested to seek a path which offers an elucidation, and also considers how we support each other to function well, be all we have the potential to be. We will need to embrace and foster rural flexibility, utilise our ingrained wisdom to support farmers and farming communities, find a path so we continue to find joy in the great Aussie bush, and to foster the reconstruction of our wildlife.
So here we are - another decade and the opportunity to contemplate and learn and respond and adapt. Borrowing from Bren`e Brown’s research, it’s a time to ‘lean in’ to each other, to give and offer support, to be the grateful recipient of amazing gestures, to offer each other love, support, and confidence in our world and in our lives, and to function from a rich meaningful existential existence.
So take a moment this month - stop and see our growth, the promise of change, and enjoy the ride forward.
Be mindful and connect - basic keys for psychological health.
Best wishes, Amanda
Article Published in DOWNTOWN MAGAZINE, Issue 22.